Dia de los Muertos Click on detail to see full image. Covid19, 15″ x 11,” permanent markerProcession, 12″ x 18,” acrylic I Can Still Love You and Let You Go!, 18″ x 12,” acrylic Play it Brother!, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerMariachi, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerDance, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerEmbrace, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerAsleep, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerFamily, 12″ x 15,” permanent markerMonarch, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerFly Free, 18″ x 12,” permanent markerNo Tema Morir, Temor No Vivio,24″ x 24,” mixed mediaMask, 10″ x 6″ claySkull, !8″ x 6″ clay and string