Part of the appeal of Johnson’s work lies in the felicitous proportions and layout of the variously sized images and drawings that make up each piece. His drawings are expressive, but they tend to rely on the conventions and vocabulary of cartoons to communicate. – Sylvie Pederson, The Eugene Weekly, 2/3/2005
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The Dance, 48″ x 50″ mixed media Class Bully – Dunce, 50″ x 36 mixed media Kick Me Hard, 10″ x 10″ intaglio Swirly Time, 72″ x 50″ mixed media Don’t Get Burned, 72″ x 48″ mixed media 7 Plus 1, 7″ x 10″ cyanotype Bullseye, 6″ x 4″ intaglio Dunce 2, The Dance, 6″ x 4″ letterpress Pour Nerd, 60″ x 48″ mixed media Life of a Bully, 48″ x 50″ mixed media Here, 72″ x 72″ mixed media Knockaround Guy, 24″ x 24″ mixed media Pig Tale, 24″ x 24″ mixed media City Life, 24″ x 24″ mixed media School, 8″ x 10″ cyanotype Help Me, 22″ x 30″ woodcut Remorse, 18″ x 6″ mixed media Easy Target, 18″ x 6″ intaglio Prom King, 72″ x 48″ mixed media Joel, 18″ x 6″ cyanotype-monoprint Old School, 48″ x 24″ mixed media In My Room, 48″ x 50″ mixed media Noogie, 72″ x 48″ mixed media 5 Bullies, The Dance, 72″ x 168″ mixed media Hound Dog, 96″ x 84″ chalk on concrete Hanging Around, 50″ x 36 mixed media Baby Blue, 24″ x 48″ mixed media Bully-Nerd, 8″ x 10″ cyanotype Crybaby, 24″ x 24″ mixed media Puddle, 24″ x 24″ mixed media Runaway, 24″ x 24″ mixed media